Cow Calf Virtual Tour
The Cow-Calf operation tour will take you through each step associated with producing a calf from breeding to weaning. Along the way you will also learn about the processes and organizations which contribute to the well-beingof our cattle and the high quality of our beef. The cow-calf tour was created in partnership with the Canadian industry and is introduced by Mr. Dennis Laycraft, Executive Vice President of the Canadian Cattle Association.
Feeding Operation
The Feeding Operation tour continues the virtual journey through the production stages that occur after cattle have been weaned. Animals are typically fed grain after grazing on open pasture. This period of time is essential to the development of the flavour, juiciness and tenderness that characterizes Canadian Beef. The feeding operation tour is introduced by Ms. Janice Tranberg, President and CEO of Canada’s National Cattle Feeders Association.
Beef Processing
The Beef Processing tour introduces the viewer to the key aspects of processing operations. These include measures to safeguard animal welfare as well as the quality and safety of Canadian beef in a modern facility. This tour was developed with the kind assistance of personnel from the Canadian processing sector and is introduced by Mr. Michael Young, President of Canada Beef.
Canadian Beef Quality Assurance System
The Canadian Beef Quality Assurance System virtual tour presents an overview of the process for grading a beef carcass including both quality and yield related parameters. In addition, the use of computer vision technology to assess quality related attributes will be addressed. This tour was created in partnership with the AAFC Lacombe Research and Development Centre and is introduced by Mark Klassen, Executive Vice President of Canada Beef
Environmental Practices
The Environmental tour highlights the significant contributions of all sectors along the Canadian beef supply chain. Through a wide variety of measures including land management, water recycling and energy conservation the industry is working to preserve Canada’s natural environment for future generations.
Canadian Beef Virtual Beef Carcass Tour
The Canadian Beef Carcass virtual tour presents an overview of the primal, sub-primal, and common retail cuts from a beef carcass. Each of the seven primal cuts are reviewed and broken down into the various cuts.